Resources are a beautiful thing. In this world wide web of knowledge, one can find everything from blogs about paste to encyclopedias with words that are 67 letters long. It's fantastic.
Everyone is a sexual being, and thus, since we all have that common thread, one would think that this means there are a lot of sexual resources out there. Yes... there are!!
I recently stumbled upon this gorgeous site called www.TheSite.org http://www.thesite.org/ which is a site that claims to be "your guide to the real world". Naturally, I assumed there would be comprehensive, down to earth, sexual information. I was right... as I typically am.
On this site, one can find facts about sex and relationships, STIs, general health and wellness, safer sex, virginity facts, menstruation myths, and more!

I want to make reference to the section "Risky Sex", because it makes me laugh.
He says he'll pull out before he cums.
You trust a man to have willpower whilst he is orgasming? You shouldn't. Would you remember to do anything other than 'enjoy it' whilst orgasming?
I don't have any diseases. I don't screw around.
HAH! Stop kidding yourself. People lie all the time. Go get a physical.
You'd do it if you loved me.
Slap any bitch who says this to you. You'd not use that line on me if you loved me, douchebag. *rolls eyes*. Love can cloud your judgment, and I understand this, but be aware of love's shade over your eyes. Don't let manipulative lines like this fool you. Know your values and your stance, and make sure your partner knows them too.
I was so out of it, I can't really remember.
I'd advise you to go get checked and check if the condom in your purse is gone. Be careful mixing booze and sex. If you are not aware, anything can happen. Sketch.
Another interesting section to read on this site is Sex with a new partner. When you change partners, make sure you discuss values, limitations, and stances regarding sex. Not everyone is the same and you'd be surprised what you cannot 'read' on someone. I'll give you a clue: their sexual preferences! Be open, honest, communicative, and confident about where you stand.
This site also mentions something I truly believe in:
When assessing whether or not one is ready for sex, think of this:
Are you afraid to carry a condom in your purse/wallet?
Are you afraid to talk about sex?
Comfort is key... so get comfortable about it.
Much more to come from this site, but check it out! It's fantastic. Much like sexualityandu.ca, TheSite.org is the reason I get up in the morning.
Advocating for staying safe, sexually speaking, TheSite and I bid you adieu... for now.
And now, I'm off to give a chat about Sexual Health and Relationships! Ah, Sex Week. :) Gotta love university.
Love that pic.