Greetings friends,
I am Sarah. I am smart. I know a lot about sexual health education. I read about it, write about it, think about it (education!!!), and talk about it. I write articles, read blogs, and am generally enthused by the whole OMGSEXOMG perception. People have sex. Deal. Sex can be a positive thing. Students know this. Let's not ignore it.
I am a firm believer in education beyond the classroom and education for real life. I think that, despite my enthusiasm for angles and fractions (math is delicious!!! <-- I have a shirt that says this), sexual health education is incredibly important for youth, as they have to deal with their bodies and what goes on both inside and outside of themselves for the rest of their lives. .__.
I have an intimate relationship with my thesis. We're dating. My thesis is going to explore comprehensive sex-positive sexual health education and why THIS approach is the BEST one in order to get kids to learn about themselves, their bodies, and their sexual options. I plan to look at literature surrounding sex education (including but not limited to curricula across Canada, popular culture sources, newspaper articles, peer reviewed journals) to gather information about misconceptions, misinformation, and general gaps in sex education teachings and learning.
In April 2011, I will be going to an International conference to present a poster on collaborative approaches to sexual health education. I will blog about it extensively upon my return. I can't wait! I have also been given the privilege to go to the University of Ottawa to present my paper on alternative families and redefining the father figure in lesbian parenting in July 2011. A busy year. :) I love it. I love educating people on issues that matter, issues that scare some people, and issues that are 'risky'. Bring it on.
I love you for reading my blog. You are my new best friend. Join me in the next sexual revolution: the revolution to bring the RIGHT education to ALL schools. :) YAY!
Stay safe, sexually speaking,
Use a condom,
--the sarah
Use a condom Charlie Brown!
When? How? Ahhh! I'm scared of sex!
Step one?

Are you in love? Do you need to be? What are the parameters?
Youtube knows safe sex!

Sex education in popular culture
- The 40 year old Virgin
- S&M by Rhianna
- The Late night Sex show
- The Purity Myth: How America's obsession with virginity is hurting young women
- Laid: Young People's Experiences with Sex in an Easy-Access Culture
- The Abstinence Teacher
- The Purity Pledge
- The Magdalene Sisters
- Dangerous Liaisons
- Skipped Parts
- Thanks for Coming: One young woman's quest for an orgasm
- Mean Girls
- Britney Spears