Ladies and gentlemen, here’s a well-known fact,
Lots of people use pornography in various ways. Pornography is a popular form of sexual gratification. Pornography is a safe way to have a pleasurable experience, unless one is viewing violent and/or illegal pornography that leads to illegal acts. That is where the line is drawn. Nevertheless, porn is real and it is out there, and yet, porn is stigmatized and taboo. *sigh* Some people may think it vulgar to watch/listen to/look at porn. The media portrays viewing pornography as a bit of an abnormal thing. Why? Let’s uncover the taboo and embrace the various categories of safe, legal, and respected pornography.
Let me now entertain you with a discussion about people being naked and videotaped.
As requested by a friend who said “I dare you to write about porn”, let me now entertain you with a discussion about people being naked and videotaped. Dare me? Psh. I double-dare me:
The porngasm: How pornography has enhanced sex lives across vaginas everywhere! (Alright, penises too).
This article will explore some of the pros and cons of pornography and its access. It will also make reference to sexual expression over the internet in general. I will argue that in moderation, sexual expression over the internet (such as viewing pornography), as long as it remains autonomous (ie: masturbation and/or fantasy), is a healthy alternative for youth to release their inner sexual tendencies without the risk of unwanted pregnancy or STIs. CRABS! Stay in the ocean where you belong!
Sweet Jesus there is a lot of porn out there. My theory is if it exists all over the place, there must be good in it. Porn can be a sexual aid, a masturbatory aid, a hobby on Tuesday afternoon, or something that you don’t expect when you google sex education (I speak from experience).

Porn. When I say porn, I mean a plethora of things. Erotica, for example. Erotica is such a sophisticated word, and thus I use it often to sound like an academic.
Pornography can be viewed in a gendered lens when one considers the type of porn one uses. Word on the street is women are detailed creatures, and thus we softer sex enjoy us a good story... one where we can become the heroine, perhaps? Absolutely. Like when I read books (I am always Hermione whilst reading Harry Potter), women like to play the role in their erotic fantasies. Why think up something crazily hot when you can just read a harlequin novel that does all the wording for you? “And then Raul took Cora’s breast in his hand and slowly started to...” OMG!!!! I know, right? Hot.
Guys on the other hand enjoy them some sex. Fair enough. I can appreciate this directness. The zoom in of the genitals as they embrace is a little much for me, but hey, this is porn! There are no sexual rules! Guys are all about videos and sounds, whereas girls opt for stories and even pictures. The research I read distinguishing the gendered preferences of porn was quite fascinating; however, it is not always this way. Guys read. Girls listen. It’s all relative. Either way, porn is vast and both males and females enjoy the sexual seed planted in their mind via image or text. That is a hot ass pun right there.
Did YOU know that according to some potentially non-credible source (although it sounds believable), “every 39 minutes: a new pornographic video is being created in the United States” (Ropelato)? Really? Industrious. We know who the hard workers are in this society! Porn stars!! A girl’s gotta eat.
This site claims that the porn industry has a larger revenue than some top computer sites combined. Gasp? No. This makes sense. Porn is about sex. Who wouldn’t pay to watch a naked woman do things? Yahoo.com isn’t about sex. You can search for sex, which one can argue is better and makes you feel like you’ve earned something, but still. Porn is everywhere and it’s enjoyed by a kajillion people all the time (right now, at least 6 people in my building are viewing porn... ten bucks says). Hey! Someone had to invent it. I wish it was me. I’d be eating gold and riding my pet dragon to my secret island in Fiji. Basically, I’d be so rich, people would cry from all the money I threw at them. And who doesn’t want to be the badass known for inventing pornography? Everyone wants to be that badass. Trust.
Sarah’s words of enchantment... and wisdom:
Here’s the thing about porn:
Although it’s cool and enjoyable to be able to google yourself an orgasm, beware of addiction. Online poker? That stuff is addicting. Porn? Even more so. Everything should be in moderation. Like masturbation, which I am a huge advocate of, these things should not impede your life. While you are in class, do not google porn, for the love of God. Especially in Calculus 101 because really, what does pornography have to do with Calculus?! It’s just my opinion, but as per usual, I am correct. If you are going to porn it up, do it in the comfort of your own home (or at the library... who am I to restrict), but just make sure to be aware of the fact that you probably have something important to do tomorrow. Porn yourself to sleep? It beats counting sheep.
Here’s the scoop
The good: Staying virtual is staying safe, sexually speaking.
The bad: Missing lunch AND dinner because of porn addiction. Yeeeesh.
The sexual: Sasha Grey.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing article, an ode to pornography.
I kind of wish you'd go into more details of what style YOU liked but ... you don't do that here, do you. Possibly the most professional/humourous article on porn I've ever read.
And thanks for the tip on the sexual, I'm looking up the girlfriend experience as I type this... yum.
"possibly the most professional/humourous article on porn I've ever read". :)
ReplyDeleteWords cannot express how much I want this on a plaque. :) Thank you for these awesome words. I aim to inform and humour.
Professional/humourous is my middle name. Sort of.