It's not just about intercourse you know...

Sex education IS birth control --- Sex can wait. Masturbate!

Educationsexpectations is now a website!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Autonomous sex makes the world go 'round

Okay so I wrote an article about masturbation in the school paper, and it's on the internet! WOOOOOHAAAA! :D

Happiness = me.

Instead of rewriting my glorious article, here is a link to the Phoenix news where you can peruse all of the articles, if you so desire. I highly recommend the one on vajazzling and pubic hair. Hah, vajazzle.

So yes... feast your eyes:
(and/or click on the title of this article)


So good you should read it twice.

Also, enjoy the picture... I wanted a picture that signified the nontabooness of self pleasure, so I think this is fairly subtle.

To answer everyone's question: this is not me. My legs aren't that smooth.

I like her underwear. Now I'm on a mission to find them. If you find them before me, message me the location and you'll win a car!

Also, word to the wise: Do not "google image" masturbation. Or at least, be warned before you do.

Masturbation: the way to stay safe, sexually speaking. :)


  1. This is only one of the reasons why, when it's my turn to be God, you will be Eve, and all females will be spinoffs of your genes.

  2. That's quite the compliment.
    I'll allow it.


Use a condom Charlie Brown!

Use a condom Charlie Brown!
When? How? Ahhh! I'm scared of sex!

Step one?

Step one?
Are you in love? Do you need to be? What are the parameters?



Sex education in popular culture

  • The 40 year old Virgin
  • S&M by Rhianna
  • The Late night Sex show
  • The Purity Myth: How America's obsession with virginity is hurting young women
  • Laid: Young People's Experiences with Sex in an Easy-Access Culture
  • The Abstinence Teacher
  • The Purity Pledge
  • The Magdalene Sisters
  • Dangerous Liaisons
  • Skipped Parts
  • Thanks for Coming: One young woman's quest for an orgasm
  • Mean Girls
  • Britney Spears