Jersey Shore: A popular show on MTV that I am ashamed to say I frequently watch… for entertainment and “what not to do” purposes.
When I first caught an episode of Teen Mom (the second season), I was on the fence as to whether it a) glorified teenage motherhood by putting ill-informed decision making on television and essentially making parenting look easier than it is, or b) depicted the reality of the challenges and struggles of growing up as a kid raising a kid. I was leaning more towards (a) at the beginning of my watching, but now that I have seen a season and a half, and watched the episodes with Dr. Drew and the “16 and Pregnant” series, I do believe that shows like Teen Mom could be seen as multimedia presentations of sexual health education.
Here’s the thing that bugs me about it:
On the show, the girls say things like “well, at least my child loves me”, etc. Having a baby is not a good way to have love in your life. First of all, don’t you love yourself? Second of all, if you want something that loves you, get a dog. Dogs love everyone! If you don’t think you can handle a dog, get a fish.
Here’s the thing that I like about it:
The show’s cast is a group of girls who all fall under similar categories: They misused birth control, they are struggling to complete and pay for college, they have lacking or unhealthy relationships with the fathers of their children, and they are essentially stressed out. I mean, we all get stressed, but imagine being 17 or 18 years old and stressing about yourself, your finances, your education, AND your child and all the business that is involved with him/her! I admire women who can raise children at a young age, but we should not be advocating for this. None of these teen mothers have said (at least not in the episodes I have seen), “oh I planned to have this child at 16 years old”. I couldn’t imagine it, to be honest. As much as I love babies for very short periods of time when they aren’t screaming, hellllll no. At 18 years old, I could barely take care of myself! Quite some time has passed and I feel the same way!!
So Teen Mom is an interesting show that talks about teen pregnancy and the realities of raising a child as a young adolescent. At the end of each episode, a website is shown that gives facts and tips on how to be in control of your sex life:! <3 Also, while I’m praising websites, let me throw down my favourite ! Both websites are great and I strongly encourage you to go here, regardless of who you are. YOU are a sexual being; therefore, YOU need to know how to control your sex life!
Here’s the thing that bugs me more:
MTV, I love you. You are good for a laugh and you play some stupid shows that I just can’t get enough of. You do, however, play a show that goes out of its way to show me everything I shouldn’t teach someone about sexual health education. How do you do this? With an eccentric gem of a show called Jersey Shore. Despite the fact that I watch this show, I follow the complete opposite of what they preach (guys: sleep with everything that moves; girls: drink a lot and put out). The reason I think it is okay for ME to watch this show is because I am an adult who is educated and aware of her sexual rights and responsibilities. Younger individuals, however, are heavily influenced by the media, and so when I hear that a 13 year old watches Jersey Shore, I cry tears of blood and fear.
Do I think MTV needs to get rid of Jersey Shore? Not necessarily. I like my mindless television programming. What I do think needs to be done about Jersey Shore is to give it a rating of at LEAST 14A. 18+ even.
There is way too much careless drinking and sexing on this show to make it okay for children to be influenced by it.
I just hope they use condoms.
Here’s a better idea. How about the cast of Jersey Shore advocates for LifeStyle condoms? Every person in the world would use a condom if players like the guys on Jersey Shore used them! I think all celebrities should advocate for birth control. You bitches have so much power; use it wisely! Much like charity fundraising and the like, MTV stars should advocate for birth control and not drinking and driving. That’s ONE thing Jersey Shore does right: I never see them drink and drive. They always hop in a cab. Thanks friends.
Arrive alive,
don’t drink and drive!!
So Teen Mom is awesome for educating about birth control by promoting at the end of the show, and Jersey Shore is not so awesome because of sexualized gender stereotyping that COULD negatively influence our youth.
Sarah’s words of wisdom: The things you see on television are meant to entertain you. Don’t let the media guide all of your decisions, especially if they revolve around sex. Let educated sources and credible experts help you make your own. Also, use condoms. And spermicide.
As a successful teen mother(college educated, married, happy, healthy) myself. I have to say that I despise shows like Teen mom. Yes they promote safe sex however, they also glamorize teen pregnancy. It is not glamorous! It is hard as hell to properly raise a child when you are still a child yourself. You are not aware of how best to do it, and not everyone is blessed to have supportive families. My opinion is that EVERYONE should be using birth control until they are 100% sure they want a child, and in the words of my husband (and my baby-daddy) "You should simply not have sex with anyone you are not willing to be with forever" because that is what you are doing when you get someone pregnant, you are effectively tying your life to that person by the child.
ReplyDeleteand that is all!
ReplyDeleteTOTALLY TRUE!!! Anything the media presents is inevitably glamorized, regardless of what it is.
I still think everyone should use birth control even when they want a child! This is the time to speak to a doctor/nurse with your partner and get the best tips on proper conception.
Your husband is totally right!
I was talking about Teen Mom to my dearest at dinner last night, and he asked me why these people just aren't wearing condoms and how they are getting pregnant and such. I said it is most likely the lack of education, but also I think some people (mostly teenagers) just don't comprehend the severity of the consequences. "You could have a child!!!" doesn't sound scary? I don't know.
PS. Your daughter is the most beautiful child ever! Thank you for breaking the teen mom cycle and being a superstar. :) There aren't many like you. You are the best kind of advocate for sexual health education!! Thanks for your comments.