Hi. I'm Sarah. I volunteer for Options for Sexual Health in Kelowna, British Columbia. It is an excellent place where we educate, celebrate, and shower youth with positive vibes and birth control such as condoms and 'the pill'.
Why we are awesome:
We are realistic, positive, and understanding. Youth are curious about sex. We are cool with that.
Why you should let us in your schools:
I just recently helped out at Sexual Health Day on the Okanagan college campus as part of Options for Sexual Health. It was a blast. Youth 18+ deserve information and resources about sex. Not many people would argue against this. There are plenty of resources and information and education for students in post-secondary institutions. What about kids in school who are just curious and inquisitive? What about Sally who has a question about foreplay? What about Billy who wants to know why erections happen? What about Steven who wants to know how to tell his parents he is gay? What about all of those kids whose questions are not being answered in straight up safety and prevention health ed classes where sex ed is barely touched on? What about these same kids who are spending their Friday nights confused about whether or not they are 'allowed' to kiss, etc.?
OPT is gorgeous. I work there. I would LOVE to come to your school and motivate kids to be positive and confident in their sexual identity. I would LOVE to teach girls that their menstrual cycles are beautiful things and tell guys that every male gets erections and to embrace these bodily changes! I would LOVE to smile and sing and know that sexual health education is being progressive, transformative and effective, and that it is changing people's lives for the better. I would LOVVVVVEEEE to say that we are embracing another sexual revolution and everyone is okay with what is going on in the world (sexually).
Can I please come to your school? KSS, I'm talking to YOU! First stop, colleges and universities, which are now informed about STIs and how to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Next stop, secondary schools: places where kids are silently asking for sex education from people who are not afraid to say "sex happens. Let's deal".
A stop after that? Middle school. <-- That's the dream. :)
Dear schools,
My name is Sarah. And students, youth, kids, and others are reading this blog... and agreeing. Let credible, comprehensive information into your schools. Let it be.
Your favourite sexual education enthusiast,
Sarah Abstinence-is-only-an-option-not-the-only-option Bryant
PS. Condoms are not scary.
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