Tuesday, October 26, 2010
ABC, 123, you me and safe sex makes three!
I decided to cute it up a bit and create a safe sex sing-a-long song. Much like times tables and french verbs, things are easier to remember when a fun song is involved.
This song will be played in Kindergarten Sex ed classes for generations to come. I can taste it. It tastes like spaghetti and meatballs. I must make dinner.
So enjoy my enchanting video and my ever-increasing technological badassery.
As the Disney princesses always say:
Stay safe, sexually speaking... and never forget your footwear (Cinderella...)
PS. The reason the sound is super soft is because of any reason other than anything that has to do with my inadequacy. It is supposed to be soft... for stylistic effect. I'm learning...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sex ed controversy. Oh no you di-in't!
Greetings folks!
So I haven't uploaded a video in a while, and/or experimented with my movie making device for quite some time... SO I DID! I learned how to make pretty word slides, so I did! Here is a video of me talking briefly about the "outrageous OMG" sex education curriculum in Helena Montana. The article I am referring to is below:
And here is one of the youtube responses to the curriculum:
^Y'all are uptight!
Anyway, keep reading and checking in for updates about this HORRENDOUSNESS. Teaching homosexuality to little kids? As if... calm down... go walk around in the real world and stop being so limiting and disrespectful, you giant ostriches...
Sex. (ed).
PS. Forgive the cut off of the words. This video is a whore. Click on the youtube one for a full size. Forgive its dumb ass.
So I haven't uploaded a video in a while, and/or experimented with my movie making device for quite some time... SO I DID! I learned how to make pretty word slides, so I did! Here is a video of me talking briefly about the "outrageous OMG" sex education curriculum in Helena Montana. The article I am referring to is below:
And here is one of the youtube responses to the curriculum:
^Y'all are uptight!
Anyway, keep reading and checking in for updates about this HORRENDOUSNESS. Teaching homosexuality to little kids? As if... calm down... go walk around in the real world and stop being so limiting and disrespectful, you giant ostriches...
Sex. (ed).
PS. Forgive the cut off of the words. This video is a whore. Click on the youtube one for a full size. Forgive its dumb ass.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
To be or not to be KINKY
Friends, family, lovers, strangers...
I wrote an article for the paper on breaking down social taboos in terms of sex. Sex is not as simple as insert and thrust. It really isn't.

In our beautifully diverse world, there are thousands of ways to gain pleasure from another, or others... if you catch my drift.
Enjoy my article. I wrote it for YOU. Yes, you. The person reading. :)
PSS. Barbie bondage? Does it get more Fisher Price meets BDSM than THAT? I think not. Maybe bondage bear. My goal was to make the taboo things cute. I think I accomplished it. And/or freaked you out more. Either way, mission accomplished.
Stay safe, sexually speaking.
I wrote an article for the paper on breaking down social taboos in terms of sex. Sex is not as simple as insert and thrust. It really isn't.

In our beautifully diverse world, there are thousands of ways to gain pleasure from another, or others... if you catch my drift.
Enjoy my article. I wrote it for YOU. Yes, you. The person reading. :)
PSS. Barbie bondage? Does it get more Fisher Price meets BDSM than THAT? I think not. Maybe bondage bear. My goal was to make the taboo things cute. I think I accomplished it. And/or freaked you out more. Either way, mission accomplished.
Stay safe, sexually speaking.
safe sex,
Friday, October 15, 2010
Let's talk about trust, baby. Let's talk about sex, just a little
I have recently been emailed with a document on Sex Education practices in Malaysia.
Intrigued? Yes.
Alright, so my research is narrowed down to Canada, looking contextually at North American culture, values, and sex education practices. I find cross-cultural studies of sex education to be incredibly fascinating; however, I anticipate that writing on sex education and the world would be a hefty PhD task... not a teeny tiny Masters.
Instantly, one expects sex ed to be completely different on the other side of the world; in a Muslim country no less.
This article talks about using education to fight social ills. It also discusses the necessity of having safe and open environments for girls to discuss healthy relationships and sexual safety (ie: counselors).
One of the quotes that stood out to me as a parallel of Western cultural sex education practices was "with a holistic approach to sex education, we are presenting young people with the information and knowledge for them to make better choices when it comes to sex".
^ Ummm, Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education ring a bell?! Chyea it does!!!
It does not surprise me that there are some universal policies in respect to sex education. Obviously, culture, environment, upbringing, and values play a very substantial role in the sex education instruction in Malaysia. For example, there is a strong sense of using education in order to stay away from sex. The goal is to reduce premarital sex, and specifically rape.
The similarity to Western culture is the emphasis on an open environment and someone to talk to about safety, specifically.
Also, how to have a healthy relationship without sex.
I think this is beautiful. I love that we are similar in our approaches, because as human beings, we are similar in our make up, regardless of values and external nurtured factors.
I highly support sex education for the purposes of reducing rape and being healthy and safe. This would be the top priority, of course! We all need a proper education on this stuff.
Step one: Encourage confidence, security, satisfaction, and empowerment within the student to comfortably make his/her own decisions
Read more: Teenage rape: Counselling, education vital to fight sex-related social ills http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/12xe/Article/#ixzz12S2aZ2Fr
Intrigued? Yes.
Alright, so my research is narrowed down to Canada, looking contextually at North American culture, values, and sex education practices. I find cross-cultural studies of sex education to be incredibly fascinating; however, I anticipate that writing on sex education and the world would be a hefty PhD task... not a teeny tiny Masters.
Instantly, one expects sex ed to be completely different on the other side of the world; in a Muslim country no less.
This article talks about using education to fight social ills. It also discusses the necessity of having safe and open environments for girls to discuss healthy relationships and sexual safety (ie: counselors).
One of the quotes that stood out to me as a parallel of Western cultural sex education practices was "with a holistic approach to sex education, we are presenting young people with the information and knowledge for them to make better choices when it comes to sex".
^ Ummm, Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education ring a bell?! Chyea it does!!!
It does not surprise me that there are some universal policies in respect to sex education. Obviously, culture, environment, upbringing, and values play a very substantial role in the sex education instruction in Malaysia. For example, there is a strong sense of using education in order to stay away from sex. The goal is to reduce premarital sex, and specifically rape.
The similarity to Western culture is the emphasis on an open environment and someone to talk to about safety, specifically.
Also, how to have a healthy relationship without sex.
I think this is beautiful. I love that we are similar in our approaches, because as human beings, we are similar in our make up, regardless of values and external nurtured factors.
I highly support sex education for the purposes of reducing rape and being healthy and safe. This would be the top priority, of course! We all need a proper education on this stuff.
Step one: Encourage confidence, security, satisfaction, and empowerment within the student to comfortably make his/her own decisions
Read more: Teenage rape: Counselling, education vital to fight sex-related social ills http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/12xe/Article/#ixzz12S2aZ2Fr
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sex (ed) with Sarah: male edition
Good morning all!
Last night, I was honoured with the privilege of going to one of the residences at school and speaking to guys about safer sex. I brought oodles of pamphlets and a carton of condoms, and it was all very well received.
At the end of the demonstration... clearly, I rocked the condoms on a banana ordeal...
After that, I was interviewed by the lovely Brian about what I brought and some of my views about safe sex.
How celebrity am I? SO celebrity, it scares people.
So here is the "male edition" of Safer Sex ed. The female edition will be coming soon.
Stay safe! (sexually speaking).
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Awareness is a beautiful thing
I recently submitted an abstract for a paper on redefining gender roles, specifically in relation to gay and lesbian parenting for a Women's Worlds conference in April 2011.
I would like to post a link to the website where you can educate yourself about various issues surrounding women's rights.
My paper will focus on women's reproductive and sexual rights with a lesbian focus. I have read a lot of articles about parenting and the necessity of gender roles (or lack thereof), and it is very interesting to me that gay/lesbian rights is still a fairly prominent issue in today's current society.
Have we not accepted diversity yet? Be aware.
I would like to post a link to the website where you can educate yourself about various issues surrounding women's rights.
My paper will focus on women's reproductive and sexual rights with a lesbian focus. I have read a lot of articles about parenting and the necessity of gender roles (or lack thereof), and it is very interesting to me that gay/lesbian rights is still a fairly prominent issue in today's current society.
Have we not accepted diversity yet? Be aware.
Autonomous sex makes the world go 'round

Okay so I wrote an article about masturbation in the school paper, and it's on the internet! WOOOOOHAAAA! :D
Happiness = me.
Instead of rewriting my glorious article, here is a link to the Phoenix news where you can peruse all of the articles, if you so desire. I highly recommend the one on vajazzling and pubic hair. Hah, vajazzle.
So yes... feast your eyes:
(and/or click on the title of this article)
So good you should read it twice.
Also, enjoy the picture... I wanted a picture that signified the nontabooness of self pleasure, so I think this is fairly subtle.
To answer everyone's question: this is not me. My legs aren't that smooth.
I like her underwear. Now I'm on a mission to find them. If you find them before me, message me the location and you'll win a car!
Also, word to the wise: Do not "google image" masturbation. Or at least, be warned before you do.
Masturbation: the way to stay safe, sexually speaking. :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Since the beginning of time... the history of sex ed
Alright, I know history can be a little... for lack of a better word, UGH, but this will be fun, trust!
I am currently paging through a book entitled Twentieth-Century Sexuality: A History by Angus McLaren. Although I am analyzing the here and now curriculum in BC, I wanted to gain a contextual background of where did sex education begin.
Many moons ago, there was a little 'scare' people liked to refer to as venereal disease (now known as STI). Well, this is how it all started. The subject matter was essentially hygiene. You know, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and oh! watch out for venereal diseases. How? Don't have unprotected sex.
Early twentieth century
The age of innocence? And/or the age of planning to spill milk on the carpet and pull his sister's hair?
Innocence. Pffft. "Children are naturally innocent" is an interesting concept to me. I mean, okay, they are ignorant to sexual knowledge, yes, but STILL.
This book discusses the old school idea that masturbation is perilous. Apparently, this is one of the first concerns that pertains to a child: the masturbating child. No one wants that!
The majority of physicians thought it was safer to adopt a conservative position surrounding sexual issues. This does not imply that masturbation is wrong; however, it does imply that society THINKS it is wrong, and thus doctors are conforming to the norm.
THIS IS INTERESTING.... aka, a tad ?!
So physicians adopted a conservative stance... alright?
Circumcision was popularized in the US in the 20th century in part because "doctors viewed the operation as a way of preventing self-abuse" (McLaren, 1999, p. 26). SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT???
This seems like a small breach of human rights, no? Where is the freedom of choice in THAT?!
So, as to be expected by THIS sexpert *points to self*, the early sex education times were times of restriction, caution, and fear. They viewed any knowledge of pleasure in the genitals as immoral, vice, unnatural, and unspeakable. Children were left puzzled, curious, and ultimately worried (p. 24).
Enter Havelock Ellis... Mr. Wait a second, what's so bad about exploring the body?
More on this later. I have class.
I leave you with this:
Like the article I wrote for the paper last week, it is not that masturbation is bad, but one needs to regulate. Like anything. An apple a day. Touch it periodically... fine. NOT in church, NOT at Aunt Cindy's dinner party, and NOT on the school playground. We should teach children that their bodies are THEIRS only and they have the right to know themselves; however, it should be a private thing.
Like I always say: Sex can wait. Masturbate! (PS. this genius statement is from SNL. I can't give myself credit, even though I REALLY want to).
I am currently paging through a book entitled Twentieth-Century Sexuality: A History by Angus McLaren. Although I am analyzing the here and now curriculum in BC, I wanted to gain a contextual background of where did sex education begin.
Many moons ago, there was a little 'scare' people liked to refer to as venereal disease (now known as STI). Well, this is how it all started. The subject matter was essentially hygiene. You know, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and oh! watch out for venereal diseases. How? Don't have unprotected sex.
Early twentieth century
The age of innocence? And/or the age of planning to spill milk on the carpet and pull his sister's hair?
Innocence. Pffft. "Children are naturally innocent" is an interesting concept to me. I mean, okay, they are ignorant to sexual knowledge, yes, but STILL.
This book discusses the old school idea that masturbation is perilous. Apparently, this is one of the first concerns that pertains to a child: the masturbating child. No one wants that!
The majority of physicians thought it was safer to adopt a conservative position surrounding sexual issues. This does not imply that masturbation is wrong; however, it does imply that society THINKS it is wrong, and thus doctors are conforming to the norm.
THIS IS INTERESTING.... aka, a tad ?!
So physicians adopted a conservative stance... alright?
Circumcision was popularized in the US in the 20th century in part because "doctors viewed the operation as a way of preventing self-abuse" (McLaren, 1999, p. 26). SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT???
This seems like a small breach of human rights, no? Where is the freedom of choice in THAT?!
So, as to be expected by THIS sexpert *points to self*, the early sex education times were times of restriction, caution, and fear. They viewed any knowledge of pleasure in the genitals as immoral, vice, unnatural, and unspeakable. Children were left puzzled, curious, and ultimately worried (p. 24).
Enter Havelock Ellis... Mr. Wait a second, what's so bad about exploring the body?
More on this later. I have class.
I leave you with this:
Like the article I wrote for the paper last week, it is not that masturbation is bad, but one needs to regulate. Like anything. An apple a day. Touch it periodically... fine. NOT in church, NOT at Aunt Cindy's dinner party, and NOT on the school playground. We should teach children that their bodies are THEIRS only and they have the right to know themselves; however, it should be a private thing.
Like I always say: Sex can wait. Masturbate! (PS. this genius statement is from SNL. I can't give myself credit, even though I REALLY want to).
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Use a condom Charlie Brown!
When? How? Ahhh! I'm scared of sex!
Step one?

Are you in love? Do you need to be? What are the parameters?
Youtube knows safe sex!

Sex education in popular culture
- The 40 year old Virgin
- S&M by Rhianna
- The Late night Sex show
- The Purity Myth: How America's obsession with virginity is hurting young women
- Laid: Young People's Experiences with Sex in an Easy-Access Culture
- The Abstinence Teacher
- The Purity Pledge
- The Magdalene Sisters
- Dangerous Liaisons
- Skipped Parts
- Thanks for Coming: One young woman's quest for an orgasm
- Mean Girls
- Britney Spears