*** See Pop culture teachings about sex education for link ***
So I couldn't upload the video (I will try to upload it in the left side column), but this is a trailer for the movie Skipped Parts. It's an adorable movie (and by adorable, I mean you should probably be 18+ as this movie is kind of rated R...)
Anyway, it's an adorable film about a boy who is naive about sex, except for what he reads in books.
He meets this chick next door who is all like "pfft, I know more than you", so they decide to "educate" each other about sex, aka have it.
This movie illustrates the lack of information about sex education in youth and how it can be detrimental. Obviously, it is a little extreme and intended to be comedic and not entirely truthful, but STILL.
Pop culture addresses issues that are prominent in society, so let's all listen to the media! It knows.... sometimes.
Anyway... I think this clip is hilarious. I recently bought this movie. I watched it when I was .... 13 I think, because I had an irrational crush on Bug Hall, and then I watched it again when I was about 16 or 17. Then I bought it this year and watched it again. Every single time, more and more was revealed to me about sex (the lingo, the myths, the norms).
I think this movie is very interesting.
I'm quoting it in my thesis. Straight up. Check out the link to the trailer! It's a good one. Kind of weird... but hey... that's good TV! :) Enjoy.
Moral of the story (in my opinion), don't be afraid to ask questions about sex... unless your mother is Jennifer Jason Leigh. HAH! Her character is a little intense.
Moral #2 of the story: Just because it is not taught in school doesn't mean kids won't try to learn about it. TRUST! Kids think about sexuality. It's sex for crying out loud!
PS. I still think Bug Hall is cute.
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