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Monday, February 21, 2011

Comic strips based on "The Purity Myth"

After reading arguably one of the best down to Earth, realistic, and 'oh you are SO right' books about purity and virginity, The Purity Myth by Jessica Valenti, I couldn't help but vividly picture some of the abstinence-only exercises.

Here are a couple of quotes to amuse and shock you.

"...consider another abstinence product: a gold rose pin handed out in schools and at Christian youth events. The pin is attached to a small card that reads, 'You are like a beautiful rose. Each time you engage in pre-marital sex, a precious petal is stripped away. Don't leave your future husband holding a bare stem. Abstain.'" (Valenti, 2010, p. 32).

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said. This is a terrifying image to a young girl who is now PETRIFIED of sex. Well done radical extremists. Ostriches.

At the top of Chapter 2: Tainted Love, Valenti (2010) quotes Darren Washington, an abstinence educator at the Eighth Annual Abstinence Clearinghouse Conference:
"Your body is a wrapped lollipop. When you have sex with a man, he unwraps your lollipop and sucks on it. It may feel great at the time, but, unfortunately, when he's done with you, all you have left for your next partner is a poorly wrapped, saliva-fouled sucker." (p. 41).

There are 327186757489391432 things wrong with the above statement.
1. !!!!!!!!!!!!
2. I will never eat lollipops again. Ew. Phallic much?
3. "...when he's done with you"? Wow. This isn't misogynistic at ALL. Men seem like creatures in this case and women seem like incapable tools.
4. Again... I used to like lollipops. Thanks for ruining my once innocent and playful image of a lollipop. Ass.

I could go on, but instead I decided to draw comics that illustrate the purity myth. The first comic is based on the first quote about the flower. The second comic is just the overemphasis on the virgin/whore dichotomy. Enjoy.

NOTE: Please click on the picture for a bigger image. Hopefully, it is readable. :)

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Use a condom Charlie Brown!

Use a condom Charlie Brown!
When? How? Ahhh! I'm scared of sex!

Step one?

Step one?
Are you in love? Do you need to be? What are the parameters?



Sex education in popular culture

  • The 40 year old Virgin
  • S&M by Rhianna
  • The Late night Sex show
  • The Purity Myth: How America's obsession with virginity is hurting young women
  • Laid: Young People's Experiences with Sex in an Easy-Access Culture
  • The Abstinence Teacher
  • The Purity Pledge
  • The Magdalene Sisters
  • Dangerous Liaisons
  • Skipped Parts
  • Thanks for Coming: One young woman's quest for an orgasm
  • Mean Girls
  • Britney Spears