It's not just about intercourse you know...

Sex education IS birth control --- Sex can wait. Masturbate!

Educationsexpectations is now a website!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sarah's sexual words of wisdom

Because I'm hilarious, this had to be done.

Here are some Dr. Seuss-isms for you all, related to sex education, of course.

If you want to get on him, use a condom.

Communicate before you fornicate.

Educate before you fornicate.

Nothing rhymes with chlamydia, indicating that no one wants it.

Bunnies have sex, so it's not THAT bad.

(Did she just say 'bunnies have sex'? What a perv!)

Gonorrhea is the vaginal flu. Medicine and time will cure it.

Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids! Trich(omoniasis) is not...

Clap your hands, not your vag.

Sex can wait, masturbate! (heard this on SNL. Hilarious. Wish I thought of it first.)

Masturbate before you fornicate.

If you can't say 'penis', you shouldn't 'use' your penis.

If you are afraid to buy condoms, don't get on him.

Be mature if you want some from her.

Masturbation: rub it until you smile.

Dental dams have nothing to do with the dentist or 'beavers'.

And then there's the ever popular:
Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
Don't be a punk, cover your junk.
Don't be a noob, use that lube.
No glove, no love.

Add your sexual education hilarity. Kids remember rhymes, so teachers, parents, and other enthusiasts, think up a rhyme to promote safe sex and knowledge. Remember: ABC, 123, you me and safe sex makes three. Precious.

Stay safe. Don't chafe.

Friday, December 3, 2010

So tell me what you want, what you really REALLY want

Educational policy and curriculum drafts are heavily influenced by social factors. Such as? Um, society. Yes, this means YOU and ME.

We have the power to influence education because we are a part of it. As learners, we get a say in what goes down, to a certain extent.
Who are the 'we' folks I am specifically referring to?
*(other educational authority/influences)

Therefore, I have posted a vlog to express some of the desires of the community in terms of sexual health education and want WE want to know!! Also, I am wearing a gold tie. A video had to be made. You understand.

Stay safe. Sexually speaking.

Use a condom Charlie Brown!

Use a condom Charlie Brown!
When? How? Ahhh! I'm scared of sex!

Step one?

Step one?
Are you in love? Do you need to be? What are the parameters?



Sex education in popular culture

  • The 40 year old Virgin
  • S&M by Rhianna
  • The Late night Sex show
  • The Purity Myth: How America's obsession with virginity is hurting young women
  • Laid: Young People's Experiences with Sex in an Easy-Access Culture
  • The Abstinence Teacher
  • The Purity Pledge
  • The Magdalene Sisters
  • Dangerous Liaisons
  • Skipped Parts
  • Thanks for Coming: One young woman's quest for an orgasm
  • Mean Girls
  • Britney Spears